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What Your Facial Hair Says About You

What Your Facial Hair Says About You

Why do you care about skincare for men and men’s grooming? Why take the time to follow a skincare for men routine each morning and evening? It would be easier to just forget about it. Roll out of bed and leave the house. Who care’s how you look?

Bad idea. You make skincare a priority because you want to present your best self to the world. You know how important your appearance is - in business, in your personal life, and in everything in between.

But have you thought lately about what your facial hair (or lack thereof) says about you?

Consider how others may be interpreting your style. That way you can make sure your approach to men’s grooming fits your personality and is expressing your true self to the world around you.


Clean Shaven

That smooth baby-face makes you look young, clean, and professional. It tells others that you are organized and detail oriented. You’re willing to take the time to clean up and shave each morning. You have time for what’s important and won’t be overcome by the occasional temptation to be lazy.

The clean cut look may be youthful, but it’s also straight laced. No one expects any wild nights out with the smooth and clean shaven guy. He probably needs to get up early for his corporate job in the morning.


Light Stubble

You haven’t shaved for a few days - maybe because you’ve been busy tackling too many exciting adventures to take the time to shave. But also, maybe it’s just because you’ve been too lazy. Or worse, you haven’t left the house for a few days and have been playing video games non-stop.

Yes, the stubbled look can make you seem a bit lazy. But it can also appear daring and attractive. Worn well and combined with your charming personality, this look can be quite the turn on for your current (or potential) significant other.



Believe it or not the mustache is making a comeback after years of the beard dominating the men’s grooming world. A mustache gives you the air of masculinity that’s always associated with any facial hair. But it’s subdued, isolated to just your upper lip.

The way your mustache is perceived is all about how you style it. Curl it on the end with handlebars for a pretentious hipster look that will still draw tons of attention because it’s just too interesting not to stare at. Keep it full and thick for a manly look that says, “I’m confident enough with my style to not really care what you think.”

Just remember, your mustache can be a double edged sword. Sure it exudes confidence. But a hairy upper lip has never been much of a style symbol. You’ll have to defend your choice on more than one occasion, for sure.



If you’re rocking a goatee, you’ve definitely got a bit of a rebellious streak. You might not be a full on criminal, but there’s a mysterious, potentially dangerous vibe to a goatee. This can make you endlessly interesting - or a bit too intimidating. It all depends on how you wear it.

A long, thick goatee conjures images of biker gangs riding on the open road. Keep it well trimmed for a softer look that still comes off as stylish and bold.



It’s manly and tough. It instantly earns you respect and admiration. And it’s very much in style. You can’t go wrong with a beard - just make sure to keep it trimmed and well maintained. Whether you keep it short or long and flowing, your beard will exude masculinity and confidence.

There are endless options for beard styles - from a razor thin beard line to a full, thick mane of facial hair. Whichever you choose, it’s best to use natural beard oil to keep it hydrated and conditioned. Because crunchy, dry facial hair has never looked good.


Facial Hair Maintenance

Regardless of which style of facial hair you choose, make maintenance a priority. Use the best natural shave cream for men and an alcohol-free aftershave to keep you style trim and clean without any irritation.

Growing facial hair is one of the privileges and pleasures of being a man. Experiment with your style to find the look that’s best for you - whether it’s clean shaven, a long beard, or anything in between. With the right look you’ll be able to show off your personality to the world with a manly confidence that’s always in style.

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